Events in Poe's life and their influence on his literature

1809-Edgar Allan Poe was born 

 1811-Edgar's Mother dies

 1815-John Allan takes Poe in to be part of his family

 1827-Poe joins the army

 1836-Poe marries his cousin, Virginia Clemm, who was at the time, 13

 1847-Virginia dies of tuberculosis

 1849- Poe dies at the age of 40

How these events influenced Poe

These events that Poe experienced during his life influenced played a major impact on influencing his writing. Throughout Poe’s life, he experienced many sad and harsh events that later on as an adult, influenced him to write dark, scary, gothic stories. He became a victim of stress and grief while his wife was sick in which subjected him to rely on drug abuse and drinking to cope with the sadness and the constant emotions. All this contributed to a major influence for his writings later in his life. This effected the way he wrote his stories and poems later on in his life.

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